Why I’m Pressing Pause on the Newsletter (and What’s Next)

Hey everyone,

After not much thought (and more of a spur of the moment kind of thing,) I’ve decided to pause my weekly newsletter.

There are two main reasons:

  1. I’ve explored all the topics I felt compelled to share.
  2. I’m shifting my focus back into my business.

Starting this newsletter was about getting my thoughts out there and helping others consider the possibilities of a life not centred around work (and ways in which they could achieve that). That drive has naturally run its course, and I believe in listening to your instincts in moments like this.

I hope my letters have been helpful and maybe even sparked some ideas along the way. While I might write again periodically, for now, you can find a culmination of my writing and insights in my latest piece: The Ultimate Guide to Working Less and Doing More.

Thanks so much for being part of my journey and maybe I’ll see you in your inbox again!


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© 2024 Josh Allison

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

The Subtle Solopreneur by Josh Allison

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Read more from The Subtle Solopreneur by Josh Allison
The Ultimate Guide To Working Less And Doing More

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from over four years of running my four-day a week, one-person business, it’s that you can’t work less if you don’t have a strong system. Without a unified approach, everything from your productivity, to your well-being, to your core business can suffer. But there’s a reason why this problem is so pervasive: Building a business where you work fewer hours takes time, effort, and commitment. And that’s where many people (including myself) can get stuck. The...

How To Use Intentional Rest To Work Less, And Achieve More

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