Everyday doesn't have to be about lifting your bar so high and doing your thing to a new level. You're constantly pushing, optimising and growing (with good intentions) but for what? You start to lose sight of why you started in the first place. You start sucking the joy out of what you're doing. Out of life. But you keep pushing hard. Because that's what you're supposed to do. You expect perfection in everything you're doing. And why shouldn't you? You've streamlined your efforts to that point. But you've forgotten that with improvement comes error, and mistakes. You've forgotten that perfection doesn't have a place in life. Eventually the bar's so high that you can't see the meaning in what you're doing anymore. And life becomes too serious. The joy that was once there is gone, and you're left with the consequences. So where's the balance? How do you find that perfect mix of drive and enjoyment? That's what I want to share with you today (or at least a method that works for me). Imagine you have have some days where it's just about creativity. One or two days a week for pure enjoyment. Just doing stuff that isn't that purposeful, and the other days are highly driven. Well that's exactly what I did. I worked my way up to a four-day work week. By taking an additional day off I gave myself permission to strip some of the seriousness away. And put some joy back into what I was doing. The key is not to do something to get something from it. Instead, do it because you love it, and enjoy it, and good things will come. For me, the creativity comes from riding my bike. Riding a bike is all about fun. It's about getting as much fun as you can out of your bike and chasing that feeling. So find the thing that brings you joy, and don't worry about taking it to the next level. You'll notice the way you start to work through your projects, you’re having fun. Your heads clearer and you’re more confident. You’ve got the time to dedicate your headspace to your goals. Remember, start small. Schedule a few hours to be creative, and forget raising the bar for once. By prioritising creativity, you'll bring some joy back into what you're doing, and isn't that what it's all about? Hope you enjoyed this one. I'll see you next week. Josh |
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Hey everyone, After not much thought (and more of a spur of the moment kind of thing,) I’ve decided to pause my weekly newsletter. There are two main reasons: I’ve explored all the topics I felt compelled to share. I’m shifting my focus back into my business. Starting this newsletter was about getting my thoughts out there and helping others consider the possibilities of a life not centred around work (and ways in which they could achieve that). That drive has naturally run its course, and I...
If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from over four years of running my four-day a week, one-person business, it’s that you can’t work less if you don’t have a strong system. Without a unified approach, everything from your productivity, to your well-being, to your core business can suffer. But there’s a reason why this problem is so pervasive: Building a business where you work fewer hours takes time, effort, and commitment. And that’s where many people (including myself) can get stuck. The...
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