5 Ways To Find Your Flow And Maximise Focus

You may have experienced flow at some point—where you’re totally absorbed by and deeply focused on the task at hand, beyond the point of distraction. Some people describe this feeling as being “in the zone.” And it’s a state-of-mind that can leave us feeling ecstatic, motivated and fulfilled.

Which is why today, I’m excited to share a few ways you can locate, and remain, in your flow state—helping you to maximise your time, focus, and enjoyment.

When you consistently find your flow state, something amazing happens.

You’re fully in the present. Things seem to happen automatically. This is because you’re able to focus without getting distracted, your mind and body knows what needs to be done, and you’re more likely to experience a lasting sense of happiness and fulfilment. When you don’t… your focus becomes fragmented leading to more frequent distractions and a lack of deep engagement in your work.

For many of us flow can be very elusive.

A great technique for finding flow is setting aside specific time blocks to work on tasks. However while this is helpful, it’s not enough on it’s own. Flow requires not just time, but balance. If the task is too easy, boredom creeps in. If it’s too difficult, frustration sets in.

So, instead of relying on time blocking alone, let’s take a look at some techniques to help you strike the right balance, and bring on flow.

01 Do something you love

This is arguably the easiest way to get into a flow state.

Doing something you love can satisfy your craving for something challenging but doable. Like when you start that project you’ve been itching to work on and the next thing you know lunch rolls around.

02 Start with your MIT (Most Important Task)

Multitasking is the antithesis of the flow state.

Over the years I’ve found that multitasking does way more harm than good. Multitasking makes it impossible to achieve the flow state. Instead, start your day with your most important task (one that requires a significant portion of brain power).

03 Identify your peak energy block

Identify the times throughout the day when your energy’s at its highest.

I’m a morning person, so for me it’s between 7am – 10am. Focusing on your MIT during these times will not only make the flow state more achievable, but you’ll be more creative, productive, and arguably happier.

04 Eliminate distractions

Every time your phone makes a noise, it breaks your concentration. So take control.

Turn off notifications, turn on Airplane Mode, or leave your phone in another room. Set specific times (during low-energy blocks) to check your messages or scroll through social media.

05 Embrace Rest

The flow state depends on solid rest.

Maintaining energy levels is a constant battle. If your rest and recovery hasn’t been optimal, your focus and mental state will suffer because of it. If you want to consistently achieve the flow state, allowing your mind and body to recover is essential. So get some sleep.

In Conclusion

Finding your flow doesn’t have to be difficult.

By doing what you love, starting with your most important task, working during peak energy times, eliminating distractions, and embracing rest, you can tap into that focused, productive state more often.

So, give these tips a try, and watch how much more you enjoy your work—and how much more you get done!

And if you want to take this to the next level, consider checking out my free guide: Manage your energy, not your time. Inside, I’ll teach you the game-changing approach that transformed my work-life balance—allowing me to find my flow, maximise my focus, and seamlessly transition to a four-day workweek.

Hope you found this one valuable.


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© 2024 Josh Allison

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

The Subtle Solopreneur by Josh Allison

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