How To Maximise Your Energy, Not Your Hours

Longer hours ≠ higher productivity.

Why? Because not all hours are created equal. Many people believe the misconception that productivity is directly tied to the number of hours worked, but this overlooks one fundamental truth—that our energy levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day. The challenge then, is how to shift from time-based productivity to energy-based productivity, helping us focus on maximising output during peak energy periods for better outcomes and a healthier work-life balance.

When you align your high-value tasks with your peak energy, you complete more in less time and with greater focus.

It allows you to think more clearly and creatively, improves the quality of your work, and allows you to prioritise the work that drives genuine value. When you rely on long hours alone, you’re more likely to find yourself pushing through low-energy periods, making work take longer and feel more overwhelming.

This is exactly what I’ve experienced.

I spent years pushing through fatigue. But this only lead to deeper exhaustion, reduced cognitive function, emotional fatigue, and eventually… burnout—not only harming my long-term productivity but my overall well-being too.

So instead of making the same mistakes I did, I want to show you a practical way to shift your mindset (by managing your energy, not your time,) and move away from equating productivity with the number of hours worked.

How To Map Your Energy In 3 Steps

When you create an energy map, you create a visual representation of your energy levels over a day.

It helps you identify when you’re most energetic and focused, as well as when you tend to feel drained or distracted. By mapping out these patterns, you can plan your tasks to match your energy peaks and lows and focus on output, not input.

Step 1: Estimate Your Energy Levels

Start by estimating your energy levels using my free energy map tool. You don’t need to be precise, but just ask yourself: “On an average day, how do I feel at this given hour?” You’ll input your energy level (on a scale of 1-10) for each hour of the day and it will create your energy map.

Step 2: Analyse and Plan

Divide your day into segments based on your energy levels—high, medium, and low. Plan to tackle your most challenging and important tasks during your high-energy periods. This could be deep work, creative tasks, or decision-making. Use your medium-energy periods for routine tasks that require focus but not intense energy, such as responding to emails or taking calls. And finally, reserve your low-energy periods for rest, and recreation.

Step 3: Adjust as Needed

Your energy map isn’t set in stone. Life changes, and so will your energy patterns. Revisit your energy map regularly, and make adjustments if you feel your at a stand-still.

In Conclusion

By using an energy map, you can focus on the times of day when you’re at your best, get more done in less time, and avoid the burnout that comes from grinding through low-energy periods. It’s all about making the most of your natural rhythms and shifting your mindset, so you can stay productive, feel good, and have more time for the things that really matter.

And don’t forget, before you complete your energy map, it’s a good idea to start by tracking your time first. When you understand where your time’s going—and categorise your tasks correctly—it becomes easier to align them with your energy levels.

Next week, we’ll use your time tracking and energy map as a guide to eliminate unnecessary meetings, streamline communication, and redesign your workflow.

See you then!


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© 2024 Josh Allison

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

The Subtle Solopreneur by Josh Allison

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